After writing we did a 5 minute reading test. Only one person in the whole class passed. Well done Raquel!
Here is a copy of the test. See how well you can do at home!

WALT: Write effective explanations
Success Criteria:
Title: The nocturnal bat
A Pekapeka bat is a New Zealand mammal. Bats are one of our natives and there are different types of Bats like the short tail, long tail and the greater short tail bat that was made extinct in the 1960s.
Identifying statement:
What do bats do at night?
Bats are nocturnal, that means they sleep in the day and come out in the night. When they come out in the night they go out in colonies from hollows in trees.
Where are bats and what do they eat?
Bats are in places like Kapiti and Stewart Island. Bats like to eat flying insects like beetles and mosquitos. Bats don’t hibernate for long in the winter, they only hibernate for 10 days.
What happens to them and what do they use?
Bats like to hunt and use echolocation. Some Bats use a special clicking noise to communicate. Some times humans can scare bats out of there homes and under bridges. Some Bats live in national parks around the world. Bats are endangered because of predators like cats, possums, rats, wasps and stoats.
Bat’s are one of our native animals and they don’t hibernate for long.